Saturday, January 28, 2006

More photos

Possibly the cutest can of cat food I have ever seen.

Yes, it actually exists. Yes, it actually tastes good. Yes, it is a complete meal in a box.

Japan is so cool. There is actually a man employed with the task of daily scrubbing the columns at my university. I guess that's why everywhere is so clean around here.

This is my bicycle! There are many like it, but this one is mine! My bicycle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it, like I master my life. Without me, my bicycle is useless. Without my bicycle, I am useless. I must ride my bicycle true! I must ride straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must ride over him before he rides over me! I will! Before God, I swear this creed...My bicycle and myself are defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life! So be it! Until there is no enemy! But Peace! Amen!

All bikes in Japan have their kickstands in the rear. This kickstand actually locks in place so you can't kick it up accidentially.

This is my front bike lock in the unlocked position. If you press that bar to the left, then a key slides out and locks the bar in place.

This is my front wheel lock. It is engaged right now. That bar slides to the right to unlock.

This is my bell. I like the sound it makes a great deal.

This is the generator for my headlight. You can see the protective bar for the headlight. Almost all of the bicycles in Japan have this design.

This is my headlight. It's not very bright until I start pedaling pretty hard.

This was the group of people who came with me to the korean table. These folks sat at our table.

We went to a restaurant to have korean food. I took this photo of the people who went with us. My roomate Alex is all of the way to the right, and our former neighbor Aaron is in the middle.

This is Tim. He said that I couldn't take a decent picture of him. I think this is a good photo, however.


Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Tim - I will admit, the picture came out much better than I expected. I decided to wait on getting a phone until after buying books this week, just to see how much money I'll even have until the meal allowance kicks in and all, but at that point I'll have to get you my number.

If you're interested, I've been posting a ton of pictures I've been taking over at

Anonymous said...

Is Tim a computer scientist?

Toku said...

You know, I don't think so. I'll have to ask.

★Toku Chan★

The Jim said...

You are going to lose a LOT of weight riding that bicycle around. Some of the photos of you look like you've been losing weight already.

Toku said...

Phew! you ain't whistlin' Dixie either! There are a lot of hills around here and that thing only has one gear, the high one...